path: root/rtlinux-patent-2.0.txt
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+The Open RTLinux Patent License, Version 2.0
+The Open RTLinux Patent License ("License" or :Agreement") governs the
+royalty-free use of the process defined by U.S. Patent No. 5,995,745.
+Anyone can license the use of the Patented Process (as defined below) by
+agreeing to be bound by the terms of this License. Such person is
+considered to be the Licensee ("Licensee"). The Patented Process may be
+used, without any payment of a royalty, with two (2) types of software.
+The first type is software that operates under the terms of a GPL (as
+defined below). The second type is software operating under an Open
+RTLinux Execution Environment (as defined below). As long as the
+Licensee complies with the terms and conditions of this License and,
+where applicable, with the terms of the GPL, the Licensee may continue
+to use the Patented Process without paying a royalty for its use. You
+may use the Patented Process with software other than the two types
+mentioned above but you must first obtain a separate license for such
+use. The first step is to contact Finite State Machine Labs, Inc.
+1. "Patented Process" means the process covered by U.S. Patent No.
+ 5,995,745, issued November 30, 1999 and entitled ADDING REAL-TIME
+2. "License" means this License in its entirety, also known as the Open
+ RTLinux Patent License Version 2.0.
+3. "Licensor" means Victor Yodaiken, the inventor and co-owner of U.S.
+ Patent No. 5,995,745, and Finite State Machine Labs, Inc., the other
+ co-owner of the patent.
+4. "You" means any person or entity that makes use of the Patented
+ Process or agrees to be bound by provisions of this License
+ ("Licensee").
+5. "GPL" means The Free Software Foundation's General Public License
+ Version 2.
+6. "Open RTLinux Software" means unmodified software labeled "Open
+ RTLinux code" by Finite State Machine Labs, Inc. and:
+ A. In the case of a binary distribution, the complete set of
+ executable programs, including linked files and any and all other
+ accompanying files, such as documentation;
+ B. In the case of an installation for use, the complete set of
+ executable programs, any linked files, any attached files and any
+ and all other accompanying files, such as documentation;
+ C. In the case of a source distribution, the complete set of
+ unmodified source files, and any and all documentation included
+ with the source code.
+7. "Open RTLinux Execution Environment" means: A computer hardware
+ system where the interrupt control hardware of processors and system
+ boards is under the direct control of unmodified Open RTLinux
+ Software in binary form. Configuration by a Licensee using the
+ configuration tools provided by Licensor is not considered a
+ modification unless such configuration includes a change to Open
+ RTLinux code that is not provided as an option through the
+ configuration tool.
+Approved Use
+In addition to the other terms and conditions of this License, use of
+the Patented Process is permitted, without fee or royalty, when used:
+A. By software licensed under the GPL; or
+B. By software that executes within an Open RTLinux Execution
+ Environment - whether that software is licensed under the GPL or not.
+Your Obligations
+1. Any use of the Patented Process must include labeling the product or
+ service that includes the Patented Process with the following
+ language: "Used, under license, U.S. Patent No. 5,995,745."
+2. A copy of these conditions and terms must be attached to or included
+ with any distribution of any product or service that uses the
+ Patented Process. It must be made clear to anyone that uses your
+ product or service that all subsequent uses must also comply with the
+ conditions and terms of this License and (where appropriate) the GPL.
+3. If you are using this Patented Process according to the conditions of
+ this License for GPL software and you are distributing or otherwise
+ making your software available outside your company then you must not
+ place any artificial impediments to free access to your software
+ source code. If you distribute your software or market your software
+ through some web site on the World-Wide-Web, you must make source
+ code for the software that makes use of the Patented Process
+ immediately available on the World-Wide-Web for all to access. Any
+ subsequent use must comply strictly with the terms of the GPL and
+ with this License. Failure to comply with the terms of the GPL will
+ result in an automatic termination of this License.
+4. Open RTLinux Software is released under the GPL and you must comply
+ with the terms of the GPL where applicable. Any modification of Open
+ RTLinux code outside of the terms of the GPL is considered a material
+ breach of this license. Any modification of Open RTLinux code results
+ in code that is not "Open RTLinux code" in the terms of this license
+ and this code cannot be used under the provisions of the section on
+ Approved Use, subparagraph (B) above.
+5. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications shall be in
+ writing and sent by electronic mail and by facsimile, nationally
+ recognized overnight carrier, or certified mail, postage prepaid, to:
+ Victor J. Yodaiken
+ Finite State Machine Labs, Inc.
+ 115-D Abeyta Avenue
+ Socorro, New Mexico 87801
+ Facsimile: (505) 838-9112
+ email: license@fsmlabs.com
+6. This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties with
+ respect to this subject matter.
+7. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New
+ Mexico, without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law. In
+ addition, any action or proceeding arising from or relating to this
+ Agreement, except for actions solely relating to issues regarding
+ compliance with or interpretation of the GPL, must be brought in a
+ federal court in New Mexico. Each party irrevocably submits to the
+ jurisdiction of venue of any such court.
+8. Licensor shall have no liability for any direct, indirect,
+ incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, consequential, or other
+ damages, including without limitation, loss of profit or business
+ opportunities, however caused and on any theory of liability, whether
+ in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or
+ otherwise), whether or not advised of the possibility of such
+ damages. Licensor expressly disclaims any representations or
+ warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the product or services
+ contemplated by this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any
+ implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+ purpose. The products and services contemplated by this Agreement are
+ provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or
+ implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the
+ products and services contemplated by this Agreement are with the
+ Licensee. Each Licensee under this Agreement assumes all risks
+ associated with its exercise of rights under this Agreement,
+ including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors,
+ compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs,
+ or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.
+Termination and Limitations
+1. This Agreement shall commence as of the date this Agreement is
+ executed by both parties and shall remain in full force and effect
+ until Three-Hundred-and-Sixty-Five (365) calendar days from the date
+ of execution subject to prior termination as provided below.
+ Execution shall be deemed complete as of the moment the Licensee
+ acknowledges acceptance of all terms of this Agreement by clicking on
+ the "I agree" icon found on Licensor's web site
+ (http://www.fsmlabs.com) or by sending written confirmation of
+ acceptance by electronic mail to license@fsmlabs.com. Execution of
+ this license shall also be deemed complete upon your first use of the
+ software licensed under the GPL in accordance with Section 1.A. of
+ this Agreement, without registering acceptance with the Licensor.
+ Unless this Agreement is terminated as provided below, this Agreement
+ shall automatically renew for periods of Three-Hundred-and-Sixty-Five
+ (365) calendar days each until the expiration of the U.S. Patent on
+ the Licensed Process.
+2. The Licensor owns all right, title and interest to the patent. The
+ Licensor is not obligated to defend or indemnify any Licensee against
+ any suit, damage, claim or allegation of patent infringement
+ resulting from any use of the Patented Process. In the event of any
+ such occurrence, the Licensor will cooperate with Licensee, at
+ Licensee's expense.
+3. The term of this License will be limited by compliance of the
+ Licensee. If you do not comply with the conditions and terms of this
+ License, the License will be automatically terminated and all use of
+ the Patented Process must stop.
+4. Licensee acknowledges that no other representations by Licensor exist
+ and that no other agreements exist between Licensee and Licensor.
+ This Agreement will be construed and interpreted according to the
+ laws of the State of New Mexico.
+Dated: October 5 2001.
+The end