qbox - Web question board inspired by 提问箱s in the Chinese Internet

qbox is a simple python WSGI HTTP program that serves as a anonymous
question board, inspired by the proliferation of proprietary 提问箱
services on the more popular prat of the Chinese Internet. Supports
multiple users.

A guest may submit a message on the public Web interface, which qbox
sends to the owner of the question board via email. The owner is
expected to reply via email, which qbox receives and puts on the public
Web interface. The original message is not displayed, until the owner
replies like this.

Implementation bug
Currently, qbox reads maildirs to look for incoming mail, every time a
guest uses a GET request on the Web interface. This is inefficient and
ugly. A piped local mail delivery agent or full-blown pipe transport
would be more appropriate (I personally favor the LMDA method as it
doesn't require modifying Postfix master.cf, and this is a really small
program that doesn't really deserve a full transport.)

Maybe I'll backport the (L)MDA functionality from the Simple Mailing
List Management Program that I'm currently working on... sometime.