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+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+ <title>Reclaiming "他" as a gender-inclusive pronoun</title>
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+ <h1>Reclaiming "他" as a gender-inclusive pronoun</h1>
+ <p>
+ <a href="#en">English</a> <a href="#zh">中文</a>
+ </p>
+ <section id="en">
+<p>tl;dr: "他" uses the "人" (person) radical, and should cover all
+people, because not all people are male.</p>
+<p>In contemporary English, the traditional plural pronoun "they" is
+often used as a gender-inclusive singular pronoun, alongside the
+feminine singular "she" and the masculine singular "he". However, there
+is no equivalent in Chinese. "他" is considered a masculine pronouns in
+contemporary Chinese, despite its "人" radical and its history of
+traditionally being a gender-inclusive pronoun until the 1920s. This
+article argues for the reclaiming of "他" as a gender-inclusive
+<p>Prior to the May Fourth Movement and the broader New Culture
+Movement, "他" was a generic pronoun for all entities, including people
+of any gender, and inanimate objects. In the movements’ efforts to
+"modernize" the Chinese language and culture, a separate feminine
+pronoun "她" was created by the poet and linguist 刘半农, becoming an
+established linguistic norm after the Chinese Civil War. (A separate
+"它" was created for inanimate objects; however this has little
+relevance to the arguments in this article.)</p>
+<p>A distinct feminine pronoun "她" along with "他" being a masculine
+pronoun poses three problems: (1) the annoyances caused by the lack of a
+inclusive placeholder pronoun, (2) the reinforcement of gender binary
+normatives and the lack of a neutral pronoun, and (3) the
+marginalization of the feminine from the concept of personhood.</p>
+<p>When referring to a placeholder of unknown gender in contemporary
+English, singular they pronouns are often used, such as in "someone left
+their laptop here". Such colloquial conversations are generally
+unproblematic as all normative third-person pronouns in Mandarin sound
+the same: tā. However, in written contexts, many use "他/她" resembling
+"he/she". Aside from how this reinforces gender binary and alienates
+women (see the next two paragraphs), it is visually unappealing (as
+half-width slashes look particularly distinct from full-width CJK
+ideographs and break typographical uniformity) and adds unnecessary
+syntactic sugar.</p>
+<p>Individuals who are not comfortable with any gendered pronoun
+often prefer singular they pronouns. (I do not wish to turn
+this article into a detailed discussion of non-binary gender, please
+read Leah Rowe’s article "<a
+href="">Better respect for non-binary
+people, in defense of human rights</a>" if this concept seems
+unfamiliar.) The status quo of "她" being solely a feminine pronoun and
+"他" being solely a masculine pronoun reinforces gender binary and
+leaves no gender-neutral/inclusive pronoun for non-binary people who
+would prefer such pronouns.</p>
+<p>The more fundamental issue with "他" as a masculine pronoun lies in
+its character composition and etymology. "他" is a compound character
+consisting of a "人" (person) radical and "也", while "她" consists of a
+"女" (female) radical and "也". Limiting "他" as a male pronoun assumes
+the male gender as dominant in "people", and marginalizes other genders,
+most prominently the female gender, as groups distinct from "people".
+This aligns with the development of the "她" pronoun as a distinct
+subset of what used to be covered by "他". I believe that a character’s
+composition should not be deceptive to its meaning, and therefore, the
+"他" with the "人" radical should describe any person, not just any male
+<p>While I believe that "他" should be truly gender inclusive, its current
+masculine standing does make it similar to
+<a href="">Generic he</a>
+to some extent. I dislike generic he as it reflects bias towards men, but
+an inclusive "他" does carry these risks. Therefore I propose that
+those who prefer a unique masculine pronoun may choose to use one
+with a "男" (male) radical instead. While "男也" (read that as one character) has not been given a
+Unicode code-point yet, I find this solution to be much more ideal than
+stereotypical generalizations with "他".</p>
+Please share your thoughts.
+<section id="zh">
+现代英语中,传统的复数代词 "they" 常用作性别包容的单数代词,伴以 "she" 作阴性单数代词及 "he" 作阳性单数代词。然而,汉语中却没有等效的词语。现代汉语将"他"视为阳性代词,尽管其偏旁为单人旁,且在二十世纪二十年代以前,其曾有过用作性别包容性代词的历史。本文的论点为,将"他"恢复为性别包容性代词。
+在五四运动及更为广泛的新文化运动以前,"他"曾通用作所有实体的代词,包括任何性别的人,及无生命的物体。这场运动为中国语言和文化的"现代化"做出了许多努力,其中之一就是单独创造了一个阴性代词 "她"。这个字由诗人、语言学家刘半农创造,并在国共内战后成为了公认的语言规范。(对无生命的物体,也创造了一个单独的"它";但这与本文的论点无关。)
+现代英语中,常常使用单数 they 代词来充当未知性别的占位词,例如 "someone left their laptop here"。这种口头对话一般不会出现问题,因为普通话中所有规范的第三人称代词发音都相同:tā。然而,在书面语中,许多人会像 "he/she" 一样使用 "他/她"。除了强化了性别二元论、排斥了女性(见后两段)外,这在视觉上也不显美观(在全角 CJK 象形文字中插入半角斜杆尤显突兀,且破坏了排版的一致性),还添加了不必要的语法糖。
+有些人并不喜欢分性别代词(我在这个 commit 前亦是如此),所以他们常偏向使用单数 they 代词。(我无意图在本文详细讨论非二元性别,如果你不熟悉这个概念,请阅读 Leah Rowe 的文章 "Better respect for non-binary people, in defense of human rights")"她"单独用作阴性代词,同时"他"单独用作阳性代词,这种现状强化了性别二元论,并使得偏好性别中性或性别包容性代词的人无法使用这类代词。
+虽然我认为"他"应该要具有真正的性别包容性,但这个词目前男性化的程度,使得它在某种程度上类似于将 he 通用化了。我并不喜欢通用化的"他",因为这体现了对男性的偏见,但包容性的"他"确实也有这些风险。因此,我提议,偏好使用单独的阳性代词的人,可以转而选择一个有男字旁的字。虽然"男也"(读成一个字)目前还没有 Unicode 码点,但比起刻板地将"他"字一般化,我认为这才是更加理想的解决方案。
+This Chinese translation was translated from the <a href="#en">English original</a> by <a href="">Peaksol</a>. Thanks!
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