path: root/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi/
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/gpu/drm/asahi/')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi/ b/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..40c51f4fab8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/asahi/
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+//! "Placement new" macro
+//! This cursed abomination of a declarative macro is used to emulate a "placement new" feature,
+//! which allows initializing objects directly in a user-provided memory region without first
+//! going through the stack.
+//! This driver needs to manage several large GPU objects of a fixed layout. Linux kernel stacks are
+//! very small, so it is impossible to create these objects on the stack. While the compiler can
+//! sometimes optimize away the stack copy and directly instantiate in target memory, this is not
+//! guaranteed and not reliable. Therefore, we need some mechanism to ergonomically initialize
+//! complex structures directly in a pre-allocated piece of memory.
+//! This issue also affects some driver-internal structs which are large/complex enough to overflow
+//! the stack. While this can be solved by breaking them up into pieces and using `Box` more
+//! liberally, this has performance implications and still isn't very nice. This macro can also be
+//! used to solve this issue.
+//! # Further reading
+/// Initialize a `MaybeUninit` in-place, without constructing the value on the stack first.
+/// This macro is analogous to `MaybeUninit::write()`. In other words,
+/// `place!(foo, bar)` is equivalent to `MaybeUninit::write(foo, bar)`, except that `bar` is not
+/// constructed first, but rather its fields (if it is a structure constructor) are copied one by
+/// one into the correct location in the `MaybeUninit`.
+/// The macro supports most Rust initialization syntax including type paths, generic arguments,
+/// and nested structures. Nested structures are themselves initialized in-place field by field.
+/// `..Default::default()` is supported, but this macro converts it to `..Zeroed::zeroed()`, as it
+/// initializes those structs by zero-initializing the underlying memory. Usage of
+/// `..Default::default()` with a type not implementing `Zeroed` will result in a compile error.
+/// Usage:
+/// ```
+/// let mut buf = MaybeUninit::uninit();
+/// let mut_ref = place!(&mut buf, MyStruct {
+/// b: true,
+/// s: String::from("works"),
+/// i: str::parse::<i32>("123").unwrap(),
+/// v: vec![String::from("works")],
+/// x: foo::MyOtherCoolStruct {
+/// a: false,
+/// b: String::from("Hello, world!"),
+/// },
+/// y: foo::MyOtherCoolStruct {
+/// a: false,
+/// b: String::from("Hello, world!"),
+/// },
+/// z: foo::MyCoolGenericStruct::<bool, String> {
+/// a: false,
+/// b: String::from("Hello, world!"),
+/// },
+/// };
+/// // `mut_ref` is now a mutable reference to the `buf`, which is now safely initialized.
+/// ```
+/// Based on by DianaNites, with contributions by Joshua Barretto.
+macro_rules! place {
+ // Top-level struct
+ (@STRUCT $ptr:ident, _TOP, $typ:path, {$($typ_init:tt)*} { $($fields:tt)* }) => {{
+ place!(@STRUCT_ZERO $ptr, {$($typ_init)*} { $($fields)* });
+ place!(@STRUCT_CHECK $ptr, {$($typ_init)*} { $($fields)* } {
+ place!(@FIELDS $ptr, $($fields)*);
+ });
+ }};
+ // Nested structure
+ (@STRUCT $ptr:ident, $f_struct:ident, $typ:path, {$($typ_init:tt)*} { $($fields:tt)* }) => {{
+ use core::ptr::addr_of_mut;
+ let buf = unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*$ptr).$f_struct) };
+ place!(@STRUCT_ZERO buf, {$($typ_init)*} { $($fields)* });
+ place!(@STRUCT_CHECK $ptr, {$($typ_init)*} { $($fields)* } {
+ place!(@FIELDS buf, $($fields)*);
+ });
+ }};
+ // Zero-initialize structure if the initializer ends in ..default::Default()
+ (@STRUCT_ZERO $ptr:ident, {$($typ_init:tt)*} { $($f:ident $(: $v:expr)?),* $(,)? }) => {};
+ (@STRUCT_ZERO $ptr:ident, {$($typ_init:tt)*} { $($($f:ident $(: $v:expr)?),*,)? ..Default::default() }) => {{
+ // Check that the structure actually implements Zeroed
+ const _: () = {
+ fn _check_default() {
+ let _ = $($typ_init)* {
+ ..Zeroed::zeroed()
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ use core::ptr;
+ unsafe { ptr::write_bytes($ptr, 0, 1) };
+ }};
+ // Check that all fields are specified
+ (@STRUCT_CHECK $ptr:ident, {$($typ_init:tt)*} { $($($f:ident $(: $v:expr)?),*,)? ..Default::default() } {$($body:tt)*}) => {
+ if false {
+ #[allow(clippy::redundant_field_names)]
+ let _x = $($typ_init)* {
+ $($(
+ $f $(: $v)?
+ ),*
+ ,)?
+ ..Zeroed::zeroed()
+ };
+ } else {
+ {$($body)*}
+ }
+ };
+ (@STRUCT_CHECK $ptr:ident, {$($typ_init:tt)*} { $($f:ident $(: $v:expr)?),* $(,)? } {$($body:tt)*}) => {
+ if false {
+ #[allow(clippy::redundant_field_names)]
+ let _x = $($typ_init)* {
+ $(
+ $f $(: $v)?
+ ),*
+ };
+ } else {
+ {$($body)*}
+ }
+ };
+ // Top-level scalar
+ (@SCALAR $ptr:ident, _TOP, $val:expr) => {
+ let tmp = $val;
+ unsafe { $ptr.write(tmp); }
+ };
+ // Regular field
+ (@SCALAR $ptr:ident, $f:ident, $val:expr) => {{
+ use core::ptr::addr_of_mut;
+ let tmp = $val;
+ unsafe { addr_of_mut!((*$ptr).$f).write(tmp); }
+ }};
+ // Type-like name followed by braces is a nested structure
+ (@PARTIAL $ptr:ident, $f:ident, {$($head:tt)*}, {{ $($fields:tt)* } $($tail:tt)*}) => {
+ place!(@STRUCT $ptr, $f, $($head)*, {$($head)*} { $($fields)* });
+ place!(@FIELDS $ptr $($tail)*)
+ };
+ // Type-like name followed by ::ident, append to head
+ (@PARTIAL $ptr:ident, $f:ident, {$($head:tt)*}, {::$id:ident $($tail:tt)*}) => {
+ place!(@PARTIAL $ptr, $f, {$($head)* :: $id}, {$($tail)*});
+ };
+ // Type-like name followed by ::<args>, append to head
+ (@PARTIAL $ptr:ident, $f:ident, {$($head:tt)*}, {::<$($gen:ty),*> $($tail:tt)*}) => {
+ place!(@PARTIAL $ptr, $f, {$($head)* :: <$($gen),*>}, {$($tail)*});
+ };
+ // Type-like name followed by ::<'lifetime>, append to head
+ (@PARTIAL $ptr:ident, $f:ident, {$($head:tt)*}, {::<$li:lifetime> $($tail:tt)*}) => {
+ place!(@PARTIAL $ptr, $f, {$($head)* :: <$li>}, {$($tail)*});
+ };
+ // Anything else, parse it as an expression
+ (@PARTIAL $ptr:ident, $f:ident, {$($head:tt)*}, {$($tail:tt)*}) => {
+ place!(@EXPR $ptr, $f, $($head)* $($tail)*)
+ };
+ // Expression followed by more fields
+ (@EXPR $ptr:ident, $f:ident, $val:expr, $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ place!(@SCALAR $ptr, $f, $val);
+ place!(@FIELDS $ptr, $($tail)*)
+ };
+ // Last field expression, without a trailing comma
+ (@EXPR $ptr:ident, $f:ident, $val:expr) => {
+ place!(@SCALAR $ptr, $f, $val);
+ };
+ // Field with a value starting with an ident, start incremental type parsing
+ (@FIELDS $ptr:ident, $f:ident : $id:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ place!(@PARTIAL $ptr, $f, {$id}, {$($tail)*});
+ };
+ // Same, but starting with ::ident
+ (@FIELDS $ptr:ident, $f:ident : ::$id:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ place!(@PARTIAL $ptr, $f, {::$id}, {$($tail)*});
+ };
+ // Otherwise, parse it as an expression
+ (@FIELDS $ptr:ident, $f:ident : $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ place!(@EXPR $ptr, $f, $($tail)*)
+ };
+ // Default terminating case
+ (@FIELDS $ptr:ident, ..Default::default() ) => {};
+ // Terminating case
+ (@FIELDS $ptr:ident $(,)? ) => {};
+ (
+ $buf:expr,
+ $($val:tt)*
+ ) => {{
+ use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
+ // Ensures types are correct
+ let obj: &mut MaybeUninit<_> = $buf;
+ let top_ptr = obj.as_mut_ptr();
+ place!(@FIELDS top_ptr, _TOP: $($val)*);
+ // SAFETY: All fields have been initialized above
+ // The compiler ensures that all fields were used, all types were correct,
+ // and that size and alignment are correct.
+ unsafe { obj.assume_init_mut() }
+ }};
+/// Helper macro to get the struct type part of a struct initialization expression.
+macro_rules! get_type {
+ ($t:ty { $($val:tt)* }) => {
+ $t
+ };
+/// Like `Box::try_new(...)`, but with in-place initialization.
+macro_rules! box_in_place {
+ ($($val:tt)*) => {{
+ use $crate::place;
+ let b = Box::<$crate::get_type!($($val)*)>::try_new_uninit();
+ match b {
+ Ok(mut p) => {
+ place!((&mut *p), $($val)*);
+ Ok(unsafe { p.assume_init() })
+ }
+ Err(e) => Err(e)
+ }
+ }};
+// TODO: figure out how to make this run
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ struct MyCoolStruct {
+ b: bool,
+ s: String,
+ i: i32,
+ v: Vec<String>,
+ x: MyOtherCoolStruct,
+ y: MyOtherCoolStruct,
+ z: foo::MyCoolGenericStruct<bool, String>,
+ }
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ struct MyDefaultStruct {
+ b: bool,
+ i: i32,
+ j: i16,
+ }
+ default_zeroed!(MyDefaultStruct);
+ mod foo {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ pub struct MyOtherCoolStruct {
+ pub a: bool,
+ pub b: String,
+ }
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ pub struct MyCoolGenericStruct<T, U> {
+ pub a: T,
+ pub b: U,
+ }
+ }
+ use foo::MyOtherCoolStruct;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_initialized() {
+ let mut buf: MaybeUninit<MyCoolStruct> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
+ let x: &mut MyCoolStruct = place!(
+ &mut buf,
+ MyCoolStruct {
+ b: true,
+ s: String::from("works"),
+ i: str::parse::<i32>("123").unwrap(),
+ v: vec![String::from("works")],
+ x: MyOtherCoolStruct {
+ a: false,
+ b: String::from("Hello, world!"),
+ },
+ y: foo::MyOtherCoolStruct {
+ a: false,
+ b: String::from("Hello, world!"),
+ },
+ z: foo::MyCoolGenericStruct::<bool, String> {
+ a: false,
+ b: String::from("Hello, world!"),
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ //dbg!(x);
+ assert_eq!(
+ x,
+ &MyCoolStruct {
+ b: true,
+ s: String::from("works"),
+ i: str::parse::<i32>("123").unwrap(),
+ v: vec![String::from("works")],
+ x: foo::MyOtherCoolStruct {
+ a: false,
+ b: String::from("Hello, world!"),
+ },
+ y: foo::MyOtherCoolStruct {
+ a: false,
+ b: String::from("Hello, world!"),
+ },
+ z: foo::MyCoolGenericStruct::<bool, String> {
+ a: false,
+ b: String::from("Hello, world!"),
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_default() {
+ let mut buf: MaybeUninit<MyDefaultStruct> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
+ let x: &mut MyDefaultStruct = place!(
+ &mut buf,
+ MyDefaultStruct {
+ b: true,
+ i: 1,
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ x,
+ &MyDefaultStruct {
+ b: true,
+ i: 1,
+ j: 0,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_scalar() {
+ let mut buf: MaybeUninit<u32> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
+ let x: &mut u32 = place!(&mut buf, 1234);
+ assert_eq!(x, &mut 1234u32);
+ }