path: root/rust/kernel/fs/
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Diffstat (limited to 'rust/kernel/fs/')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rust/kernel/fs/ b/rust/kernel/fs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..445cea404bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/kernel/fs/
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! File system parameters and parsing them.
+//! C headers: [`include/linux/fs_parser.h`](../../../../../include/linux/fs_parser.h)
+use crate::{bindings, file, fs, str::CStr, Result};
+use core::{marker::PhantomData, ptr};
+/// The value of a file system parameter.
+pub enum Value<'a> {
+ /// The value is undefined.
+ Undefined,
+ /// There is no value, but parameter itself is a flag.
+ Flag,
+ /// The value is the given string.
+ String(&'a CStr),
+ /// The value is the given binary blob.
+ Blob(&'a mut [u8]),
+ /// The value is the given file.
+ File(&'a file::File),
+ /// The value is the given filename and the given directory file descriptor (which may be
+ /// `AT_FDCWD`, to indicate the current directory).
+ Filename(&'a fs::Filename, i32),
+impl<'a> Value<'a> {
+ pub(super) fn from_fs_parameter(p: &'a bindings::fs_parameter) -> Self {
+ match p.type_() {
+ bindings::fs_value_type_fs_value_is_string => {
+ // SAFETY: `type_` is string, so it is ok to use the union field. Additionally, it
+ // is guaranteed to be valid while `p` is valid.
+ Self::String(unsafe { CStr::from_char_ptr(p.__bindgen_anon_1.string) })
+ }
+ bindings::fs_value_type_fs_value_is_flag => Self::Flag,
+ bindings::fs_value_type_fs_value_is_blob => {
+ // SAFETY: `type_` is blob, so it is ok to use the union field and size.
+ // Additionally, it is guaranteed to be valid while `p` is valid.
+ let slice = unsafe {
+ &mut *ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(p.__bindgen_anon_1.blob.cast(), p.size)
+ };
+ Self::Blob(slice)
+ }
+ bindings::fs_value_type_fs_value_is_file => {
+ // SAFETY: `type_` is file, so it is ok to use the union field. Additionally, it is
+ // guaranteed to be valid while `p` is valid.
+ let file_ptr = unsafe { p.__bindgen_anon_1.file };
+ if file_ptr.is_null() {
+ Self::Undefined
+ } else {
+ // SAFETY: `file_ptr` is non-null and guaranteed to be valid while `p` is.
+ Self::File(unsafe { file::File::from_ptr(file_ptr) })
+ }
+ }
+ bindings::fs_value_type_fs_value_is_filename => {
+ // SAFETY: `type_` is filename, so it is ok to use the union field. Additionally,
+ // it is guaranteed to be valid while `p` is valid.
+ let filename_ptr = unsafe { };
+ if filename_ptr.is_null() {
+ Self::Undefined
+ } else {
+ // SAFETY: `filename_ptr` is non-null and guaranteed to be valid while `p` is.
+ Self::Filename(unsafe { fs::Filename::from_ptr(filename_ptr) }, p.dirfd)
+ }
+ }
+ _ => Self::Undefined,
+ }
+ }
+/// A specification of a file system parameter.
+pub struct Spec {
+ name: &'static CStr,
+ flags: u16,
+ type_: bindings::fs_param_type,
+ extra: *const core::ffi::c_void,
+const DEFAULT: Spec = Spec {
+ name: crate::c_str!(""),
+ flags: 0,
+ type_: None,
+ extra: core::ptr::null(),
+macro_rules! define_param_type {
+ ($name:ident, $fntype:ty, $spec:expr, |$param:ident, $result:ident| $value:expr) => {
+ /// Module to support `$name` parameter types.
+ pub mod $name {
+ use super::*;
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub const fn spec(name: &'static CStr) -> Spec {
+ const GIVEN: Spec = $spec;
+ Spec { name, ..GIVEN }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub const fn handler<S>(setfn: fn(&mut S, $fntype) -> Result) -> impl Handler<S> {
+ let c =
+ move |s: &mut S,
+ $param: &bindings::fs_parameter,
+ $result: &bindings::fs_parse_result| { setfn(s, $value) };
+ ConcreteHandler {
+ setfn: c,
+ _p: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+// SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is a boolean, so it is ok to access to union
+// field.
+define_param_type!(flag, bool, Spec { ..DEFAULT }, |_p, r| unsafe {
+ r.__bindgen_anon_1.boolean
+ flag_no,
+ bool,
+ Spec {
+ flags: bindings::fs_param_neg_with_no as _,
+ },
+ // SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is a boolean, so it is ok to access to
+ // union field.
+ |_p, r| unsafe { r.__bindgen_anon_1.boolean }
+ bool,
+ bool,
+ Spec {
+ type_: Some(bindings::fs_param_is_bool),
+ },
+ // SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is a boolean, so it is ok to access to
+ // union field.
+ |_p, r| unsafe { r.__bindgen_anon_1.boolean }
+ u32,
+ u32,
+ Spec {
+ type_: Some(bindings::fs_param_is_u32),
+ },
+ // SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is a u32, so it is ok to access to union
+ // field.
+ |_p, r| unsafe { r.__bindgen_anon_1.uint_32 }
+ u32oct,
+ u32,
+ Spec {
+ type_: Some(bindings::fs_param_is_u32),
+ extra: 8 as _,
+ },
+ // SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is a u32, so it is ok to access to union
+ // field.
+ |_p, r| unsafe { r.__bindgen_anon_1.uint_32 }
+ u32hex,
+ u32,
+ Spec {
+ type_: Some(bindings::fs_param_is_u32),
+ extra: 16 as _,
+ },
+ // SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is a u32, so it is ok to access to union
+ // field.
+ |_p, r| unsafe { r.__bindgen_anon_1.uint_32 }
+ s32,
+ i32,
+ Spec {
+ type_: Some(bindings::fs_param_is_s32),
+ },
+ // SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is an i32, so it is ok to access to union
+ // field.
+ |_p, r| unsafe { r.__bindgen_anon_1.int_32 }
+ u64,
+ u64,
+ Spec {
+ type_: Some(bindings::fs_param_is_u64),
+ extra: 16 as _,
+ },
+ // SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is a u32, so it is ok to access to union
+ // field.
+ |_p, r| unsafe { r.__bindgen_anon_1.uint_64 }
+ string,
+ &CStr,
+ Spec {
+ type_: Some(bindings::fs_param_is_string),
+ },
+ // SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is a string, so it is ok to access to
+ // union field.
+ |p, _r| unsafe { CStr::from_char_ptr(p.__bindgen_anon_1.string) }
+/// Module to support `enum` parameter types.
+pub mod enum_ {
+ use super::*;
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub const fn spec(name: &'static CStr, options: ConstantTable<'static>) -> Spec {
+ Spec {
+ name,
+ type_: Some(bindings::fs_param_is_enum),
+ extra: options.first as *const _ as _,
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub const fn handler<S>(setfn: fn(&mut S, u32) -> Result) -> impl Handler<S> {
+ let c = move |s: &mut S, _p: &bindings::fs_parameter, r: &bindings::fs_parse_result| {
+ // SAFETY: This is only called when the parse result is an enum, so it is ok to access
+ // to union field.
+ setfn(s, unsafe { r.__bindgen_anon_1.uint_32 })
+ };
+ ConcreteHandler {
+ setfn: c,
+ _p: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+const ZERO_SPEC: bindings::fs_parameter_spec = bindings::fs_parameter_spec {
+ name: core::ptr::null(),
+ type_: None,
+ opt: 0,
+ flags: 0,
+ data: core::ptr::null(),
+/// A zero-terminated parameter spec array, followed by handlers.
+pub struct SpecArray<const N: usize, S: 'static> {
+ specs: [bindings::fs_parameter_spec; N],
+ sentinel: bindings::fs_parameter_spec,
+ handlers: [&'static dyn Handler<S>; N],
+impl<const N: usize, S: 'static> SpecArray<N, S> {
+ /// Creates a new spec array.
+ ///
+ /// Users are encouraged to use the [`define_fs_params`] macro to define the
+ /// [`super::Context::PARAMS`] constant.
+ ///
+ /// # Safety
+ ///
+ /// The type of the elements in `handlers` must be compatible with the types in specs. For
+ /// example, if `specs` declares that the i-th element is a bool then the i-th handler
+ /// should be for a bool.
+ pub const unsafe fn new(specs: [Spec; N], handlers: [&'static dyn Handler<S>; N]) -> Self {
+ let mut array = Self {
+ specs: [ZERO_SPEC; N],
+ sentinel: ZERO_SPEC,
+ handlers,
+ };
+ let mut i = 0usize;
+ while i < N {
+ array.specs[i] = bindings::fs_parameter_spec {
+ name: specs[i].name.as_char_ptr(),
+ type_: specs[i].type_,
+ opt: i as _,
+ flags: specs[i].flags,
+ data: specs[i].extra,
+ };
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ array
+ }
+ /// Returns a [`SpecTable`] backed by `self`.
+ ///
+ /// This is used to essentially erase the array size.
+ pub const fn as_table(&self) -> SpecTable<'_, S> {
+ SpecTable {
+ first: &self.specs[0],
+ handlers: &self.handlers,
+ _p: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+/// A parameter spec table.
+/// The table is guaranteed to be zero-terminated.
+/// Users are encouraged to use the [`define_fs_params`] macro to define the
+/// [`super::Context::PARAMS`] constant.
+pub struct SpecTable<'a, S: 'static> {
+ pub(super) first: &'a bindings::fs_parameter_spec,
+ pub(super) handlers: &'a [&'static dyn Handler<S>],
+ _p: PhantomData<S>,
+impl<S> SpecTable<'static, S> {
+ pub(super) const fn empty() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ first: &ZERO_SPEC,
+ handlers: &[],
+ _p: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+/// A zero-terminated parameter constant array.
+pub struct ConstantArray<const N: usize> {
+ consts: [bindings::constant_table; N],
+ sentinel: bindings::constant_table,
+impl<const N: usize> ConstantArray<N> {
+ /// Creates a new constant array.
+ ///
+ /// Users are encouraged to use the [`define_fs_params`] macro to define the
+ /// [`super::Context::PARAMS`] constant.
+ pub const fn new(consts: [(&'static CStr, u32); N]) -> Self {
+ const ZERO: bindings::constant_table = bindings::constant_table {
+ name: core::ptr::null(),
+ value: 0,
+ };
+ let mut array = Self {
+ consts: [ZERO; N],
+ sentinel: ZERO,
+ };
+ let mut i = 0usize;
+ while i < N {
+ array.consts[i] = bindings::constant_table {
+ name: consts[i].0.as_char_ptr(),
+ value: consts[i].1 as _,
+ };
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ array
+ }
+ /// Returns a [`ConstantTable`] backed by `self`.
+ ///
+ /// This is used to essentially erase the array size.
+ pub const fn as_table(&self) -> ConstantTable<'_> {
+ ConstantTable {
+ first: &self.consts[0],
+ }
+ }
+/// A parameter constant table.
+/// The table is guaranteed to be zero-terminated.
+pub struct ConstantTable<'a> {
+ pub(super) first: &'a bindings::constant_table,
+pub trait Handler<S> {
+ fn handle_param(
+ &self,
+ state: &mut S,
+ p: &bindings::fs_parameter,
+ r: &bindings::fs_parse_result,
+ ) -> Result;
+struct ConcreteHandler<
+ S,
+ T: Fn(&mut S, &bindings::fs_parameter, &bindings::fs_parse_result) -> Result,
+> {
+ setfn: T,
+ _p: PhantomData<S>,
+impl<S, T: Fn(&mut S, &bindings::fs_parameter, &bindings::fs_parse_result) -> Result> Handler<S>
+ for ConcreteHandler<S, T>
+ fn handle_param(
+ &self,
+ state: &mut S,
+ p: &bindings::fs_parameter,
+ r: &bindings::fs_parse_result,
+ ) -> Result {
+ (self.setfn)(state, p, r)
+ }
+/// Counts the number of comma-separated entries surrounded by braces.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::count_brace_items;
+/// assert_eq!(0, count_brace_items!());
+/// assert_eq!(1, count_brace_items!({ A }));
+/// assert_eq!(1, count_brace_items!({ A },));
+/// assert_eq!(2, count_brace_items!({ A }, { B }));
+/// assert_eq!(2, count_brace_items!({ A }, { B },));
+/// assert_eq!(3, count_brace_items!({ A }, { B }, { C }));
+/// assert_eq!(3, count_brace_items!({ A }, { B }, { C },));
+/// ```
+macro_rules! count_brace_items {
+ ({$($item:tt)*}, $($remaining:tt)*) => { 1 + $crate::count_brace_items!($($remaining)*) };
+ ({$($item:tt)*}) => { 1 };
+ () => { 0 };
+/// Defines the file system parameters of a given file system context.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::prelude::*;
+/// # use kernel::{c_str, fs, str::CString};
+/// #[derive(Default)]
+/// struct State {
+/// flag: Option<bool>,
+/// flag_no: Option<bool>,
+/// bool_value: Option<bool>,
+/// u32_value: Option<u32>,
+/// i32_value: Option<i32>,
+/// u64_value: Option<u64>,
+/// str_value: Option<CString>,
+/// enum_value: Option<u32>,
+/// }
+/// fn set_u32(s: &mut Box<State>, v: u32) -> Result {
+/// s.u32_value = Some(v);
+/// Ok(())
+/// }
+/// struct Example;
+/// #[vtable]
+/// impl fs::Context<Self> for Example {
+/// type Data = Box<State>;
+/// kernel::define_fs_params! {Box<State>,
+/// {flag, "flag", |s, v| { s.flag = Some(v); Ok(()) } },
+/// {flag_no, "flagno", |s, v| { s.flag_no = Some(v); Ok(()) } },
+/// {bool, "bool", |s, v| { s.bool_value = Some(v); Ok(()) } },
+/// {u32, "u32", set_u32 },
+/// {u32oct, "u32oct", set_u32 },
+/// {u32hex, "u32hex", set_u32 },
+/// {s32, "s32", |s, v| { s.i32_value = Some(v); Ok(()) } },
+/// {u64, "u64", |s, v| { s.u64_value = Some(v); Ok(()) } },
+/// {string, "string", |s, v| {
+/// s.str_value = Some(CString::try_from_fmt(fmt!("{v}"))?);
+/// Ok(())
+/// }},
+/// {enum, "enum", [("first", 10), ("second", 20)], |s, v| {
+/// s.enum_value = Some(v);
+/// Ok(())
+/// }},
+/// }
+/// fn try_new() -> Result<Self::Data> {
+/// Ok(Box::try_new(State::default())?)
+/// }
+/// }
+/// # impl fs::Type for Example {
+/// # type Context = Self;
+/// # const SUPER_TYPE: fs::Super = fs::Super::Independent;
+/// # const NAME: &'static CStr = c_str!("example");
+/// # const FLAGS: i32 = 0;
+/// #
+/// # fn fill_super<'a>(
+/// # _data: Box<State>,
+/// # sb: fs::NewSuperBlock<'_, Self>,
+/// # ) -> Result<&fs::SuperBlock<Self>> {
+/// # let sb = sb.init(
+/// # (),
+/// # &fs::SuperParams {
+/// # magic: 0x6578616d,
+/// # ..fs::SuperParams::DEFAULT
+/// # },
+/// # )?;
+/// # let sb = sb.init_root()?;
+/// # Ok(sb)
+/// # }
+/// # }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! define_fs_params {
+ ($data_type:ty, $({$($t:tt)*}),+ $(,)?) => {
+ const PARAMS: $crate::fs::param::SpecTable<'static, $data_type> =
+ {
+ use $crate::fs::param::{self, ConstantArray, Spec, SpecArray, Handler};
+ use $crate::c_str;
+ const COUNT: usize = $crate::count_brace_items!($({$($t)*},)*);
+ const SPECS: [Spec; COUNT] = $crate::define_fs_params!(@specs $({$($t)*},)*);
+ const HANDLERS: [&dyn Handler<$data_type>; COUNT] =
+ $crate::define_fs_params!(@handlers $data_type, $({$($t)*},)*);
+ // SAFETY: We defined matching specs and handlers above.
+ const ARRAY: SpecArray<COUNT, $data_type> =
+ unsafe { SpecArray::new(SPECS, HANDLERS) };
+ ARRAY.as_table()
+ };
+ };
+ (@handlers $data_type:ty, $({$($t:tt)*},)*) => {
+ [ $($crate::define_fs_params!(@handler $data_type, $($t)*),)* ]
+ };
+ (@handler $data_type:ty, enum, $name:expr, $opts:expr, $closure:expr) => {
+ &param::enum_::handler::<$data_type>($closure)
+ };
+ (@handler $data_type:ty, $type:ident, $name:expr, $closure:expr) => {
+ &param::$type::handler::<$data_type>($closure)
+ };
+ (@specs $({$($t:tt)*},)*) => {[ $($crate::define_fs_params!(@spec $($t)*),)* ]};
+ (@spec enum, $name:expr, [$($opts:tt)*], $closure:expr) => {
+ {
+ const COUNT: usize = $crate::count_paren_items!($($opts)*);
+ const OPTIONS: ConstantArray<COUNT> =
+ ConstantArray::new($crate::define_fs_params!(@c_str_first $($opts)*));
+ param::enum_::spec(c_str!($name), OPTIONS.as_table())
+ }
+ };
+ (@spec $type:ident, $name:expr, $closure:expr) => { param::$type::spec(c_str!($name)) };
+ (@c_str_first $(($first:expr, $second:expr)),+ $(,)?) => {
+ [$((c_str!($first), $second),)*]
+ };