path: root/rust/kernel/
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1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..53c7b398d10b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! Support for gpio device drivers.
+//! C header: [`include/linux/gpio/driver.h`](../../../../include/linux/gpio/driver.h)
+use crate::{
+ bindings, device, error::code::*, error::from_kernel_result, sync::LockClassKey,
+ types::PointerWrapper, Error, Result,
+use core::{
+ cell::UnsafeCell,
+ marker::{PhantomData, PhantomPinned},
+ pin::Pin,
+use macros::vtable;
+pub use irqchip::{ChipWithIrqChip, RegistrationWithIrqChip};
+/// The direction of a gpio line.
+pub enum LineDirection {
+ /// Direction is input.
+ In = bindings::GPIO_LINE_DIRECTION_IN as _,
+ /// Direction is output.
+ Out = bindings::GPIO_LINE_DIRECTION_OUT as _,
+/// A gpio chip.
+pub trait Chip {
+ /// Context data associated with the gpio chip.
+ ///
+ /// It determines the type of the context data passed to each of the methods of the trait.
+ type Data: PointerWrapper + Sync + Send;
+ /// Returns the direction of the given gpio line.
+ fn get_direction(
+ _data: <Self::Data as PointerWrapper>::Borrowed<'_>,
+ _offset: u32,
+ ) -> Result<LineDirection> {
+ }
+ /// Configures the direction as input of the given gpio line.
+ fn direction_input(
+ _data: <Self::Data as PointerWrapper>::Borrowed<'_>,
+ _offset: u32,
+ ) -> Result {
+ Err(EIO)
+ }
+ /// Configures the direction as output of the given gpio line.
+ ///
+ /// The value that will be initially output is also specified.
+ fn direction_output(
+ _data: <Self::Data as PointerWrapper>::Borrowed<'_>,
+ _offset: u32,
+ _value: bool,
+ ) -> Result {
+ }
+ /// Returns the current value of the given gpio line.
+ fn get(_data: <Self::Data as PointerWrapper>::Borrowed<'_>, _offset: u32) -> Result<bool> {
+ Err(EIO)
+ }
+ /// Sets the value of the given gpio line.
+ fn set(_data: <Self::Data as PointerWrapper>::Borrowed<'_>, _offset: u32, _value: bool) {}
+/// A registration of a gpio chip.
+/// # Examples
+/// The following example registers an empty gpio chip.
+/// ```
+/// # use kernel::prelude::*;
+/// use kernel::{
+/// device::RawDevice,
+/// gpio::{self, Registration},
+/// };
+/// struct MyGpioChip;
+/// #[vtable]
+/// impl gpio::Chip for MyGpioChip {
+/// type Data = ();
+/// }
+/// fn example(parent: &dyn RawDevice) -> Result<Pin<Box<Registration<MyGpioChip>>>> {
+/// let mut r = Pin::from(Box::try_new(Registration::new())?);
+/// kernel::gpio_chip_register!(r.as_mut(), 32, None, parent, ())?;
+/// Ok(r)
+/// }
+/// ```
+pub struct Registration<T: Chip> {
+ gc: UnsafeCell<bindings::gpio_chip>,
+ parent: Option<device::Device>,
+ _p: PhantomData<T>,
+ _pin: PhantomPinned,
+impl<T: Chip> Registration<T> {
+ /// Creates a new [`Registration`] but does not register it yet.
+ ///
+ /// It is allowed to move.
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ parent: None,
+ gc: UnsafeCell::new(bindings::gpio_chip::default()),
+ _pin: PhantomPinned,
+ _p: PhantomData,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Registers a gpio chip with the rest of the kernel.
+ ///
+ /// Users are encouraged to use the [`gpio_chip_register`] macro because it automatically
+ /// defines the lock classes and calls the registration function.
+ pub fn register(
+ self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+ gpio_count: u16,
+ base: Option<i32>,
+ parent: &dyn device::RawDevice,
+ data: T::Data,
+ lock_keys: [&'static LockClassKey; 2],
+ ) -> Result {
+ if self.parent.is_some() {
+ // Already registered.
+ return Err(EINVAL);
+ }
+ // SAFETY: We never move out of `this`.
+ let this = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
+ {
+ let gc = this.gc.get_mut();
+ // Set up the callbacks.
+ gc.request = Some(bindings::gpiochip_generic_request);
+ = Some(bindings::gpiochip_generic_free);
+ gc.get_direction = Some(get_direction_callback::<T>);
+ }
+ gc.direction_input = Some(direction_input_callback::<T>);
+ }
+ gc.direction_output = Some(direction_output_callback::<T>);
+ }
+ if T::HAS_GET {
+ gc.get = Some(get_callback::<T>);
+ }
+ if T::HAS_SET {
+ gc.set = Some(set_callback::<T>);
+ }
+ // When a base is not explicitly given, use -1 for one to be picked.
+ if let Some(b) = base {
+ gc.base = b;
+ } else {
+ gc.base = -1;
+ }
+ gc.ngpio = gpio_count;
+ gc.parent = parent.raw_device();
+ gc.label =;
+ // TODO: Define `gc.owner` as well.
+ }
+ let data_pointer = <T::Data as PointerWrapper>::into_pointer(data);
+ // SAFETY: `gc` was initilised above, so it is valid.
+ let ret = unsafe {
+ bindings::gpiochip_add_data_with_key(
+ this.gc.get(),
+ data_pointer as _,
+ lock_keys[0].get(),
+ lock_keys[1].get(),
+ )
+ };
+ if ret < 0 {
+ // SAFETY: `data_pointer` was returned by `into_pointer` above.
+ unsafe { T::Data::from_pointer(data_pointer) };
+ return Err(Error::from_kernel_errno(ret));
+ }
+ this.parent = Some(device::Device::from_dev(parent));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+// SAFETY: `Registration` doesn't offer any methods or access to fields when shared between threads
+// or CPUs, so it is safe to share it.
+unsafe impl<T: Chip> Sync for Registration<T> {}
+// SAFETY: Registration with and unregistration from the gpio subsystem can happen from any thread.
+// Additionally, `T::Data` (which is dropped during unregistration) is `Send`, so it is ok to move
+// `Registration` to different threads.
+unsafe impl<T: Chip> Send for Registration<T> {}
+impl<T: Chip> Default for Registration<T> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::new()
+ }
+impl<T: Chip> Drop for Registration<T> {
+ /// Removes the registration from the kernel if it has completed successfully before.
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if self.parent.is_some() {
+ // Get a pointer to the data stored in chip before destroying it.
+ // SAFETY: `gc` was during registration, which is guaranteed to have succeeded (because
+ // `parent` is `Some(_)`, so it remains valid.
+ let data_pointer = unsafe { bindings::gpiochip_get_data(self.gc.get()) };
+ // SAFETY: By the same argument above, `gc` is still valid.
+ unsafe { bindings::gpiochip_remove(self.gc.get()) };
+ // Free data as well.
+ // SAFETY: `data_pointer` was returned by `into_pointer` during registration.
+ unsafe { <T::Data as PointerWrapper>::from_pointer(data_pointer) };
+ }
+ }
+/// Registers a gpio chip with the rest of the kernel.
+/// It automatically defines the required lock classes.
+macro_rules! gpio_chip_register {
+ ($reg:expr, $count:expr, $base:expr, $parent:expr, $data:expr $(,)?) => {{
+ static CLASS1: $crate::sync::LockClassKey = $crate::sync::LockClassKey::new();
+ static CLASS2: $crate::sync::LockClassKey = $crate::sync::LockClassKey::new();
+ $crate::gpio::Registration::register(
+ $reg,
+ $count,
+ $base,
+ $parent,
+ $data,
+ [&CLASS1, &CLASS2],
+ )
+ }};
+unsafe extern "C" fn get_direction_callback<T: Chip>(
+ gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip,
+ offset: core::ffi::c_uint,
+) -> core::ffi::c_int {
+ from_kernel_result! {
+ // SAFETY: The value stored as chip data was returned by `into_pointer` during registration.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc)) };
+ Ok(T::get_direction(data, offset)? as i32)
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn direction_input_callback<T: Chip>(
+ gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip,
+ offset: core::ffi::c_uint,
+) -> core::ffi::c_int {
+ from_kernel_result! {
+ // SAFETY: The value stored as chip data was returned by `into_pointer` during registration.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc)) };
+ T::direction_input(data, offset)?;
+ Ok(0)
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn direction_output_callback<T: Chip>(
+ gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip,
+ offset: core::ffi::c_uint,
+ value: core::ffi::c_int,
+) -> core::ffi::c_int {
+ from_kernel_result! {
+ // SAFETY: The value stored as chip data was returned by `into_pointer` during registration.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc)) };
+ T::direction_output(data, offset, value != 0)?;
+ Ok(0)
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn get_callback<T: Chip>(
+ gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip,
+ offset: core::ffi::c_uint,
+) -> core::ffi::c_int {
+ from_kernel_result! {
+ // SAFETY: The value stored as chip data was returned by `into_pointer` during registration.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc)) };
+ let v = T::get(data, offset)?;
+ Ok(v as _)
+ }
+unsafe extern "C" fn set_callback<T: Chip>(
+ gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip,
+ offset: core::ffi::c_uint,
+ value: core::ffi::c_int,
+) {
+ // SAFETY: The value stored as chip data was returned by `into_pointer` during registration.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc)) };
+ T::set(data, offset, value != 0);
+mod irqchip {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::irq;
+ /// A gpio chip that includes an irq chip.
+ pub trait ChipWithIrqChip: Chip {
+ /// Implements the irq flow for the gpio chip.
+ fn handle_irq_flow(
+ _data: <Self::Data as PointerWrapper>::Borrowed<'_>,
+ _desc: &irq::Descriptor,
+ _domain: &irq::Domain,
+ );
+ }
+ /// A registration of a gpio chip that includes an irq chip.
+ pub struct RegistrationWithIrqChip<T: ChipWithIrqChip> {
+ reg: Registration<T>,
+ irq_chip: UnsafeCell<bindings::irq_chip>,
+ parent_irq: u32,
+ }
+ impl<T: ChipWithIrqChip> RegistrationWithIrqChip<T> {
+ /// Creates a new [`RegistrationWithIrqChip`] but does not register it yet.
+ ///
+ /// It is allowed to move.
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ reg: Registration::new(),
+ irq_chip: UnsafeCell::new(bindings::irq_chip::default()),
+ parent_irq: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Registers a gpio chip and its irq chip with the rest of the kernel.
+ ///
+ /// Users are encouraged to use the [`gpio_irq_chip_register`] macro because it
+ /// automatically defines the lock classes and calls the registration function.
+ pub fn register<U: irq::Chip<Data = T::Data>>(
+ mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
+ gpio_count: u16,
+ base: Option<i32>,
+ parent: &dyn device::RawDevice,
+ data: T::Data,
+ parent_irq: u32,
+ lock_keys: [&'static LockClassKey; 2],
+ ) -> Result {
+ if self.reg.parent.is_some() {
+ // Already registered.
+ return Err(EINVAL);
+ }
+ // SAFETY: We never move out of `this`.
+ let this = unsafe { self.as_mut().get_unchecked_mut() };
+ // Initialise the irq_chip.
+ {
+ let irq_chip = this.irq_chip.get_mut();
+ =;
+ // SAFETY: The gpio subsystem configures a pointer to `gpio_chip` as the irq chip
+ // data, so we use `IrqChipAdapter` to convert to the `T::Data`, which is the same
+ // as `irq::Chip::Data` per the bound above.
+ unsafe { irq::init_chip::<IrqChipAdapter<U>>(irq_chip) };
+ }
+ // Initialise gc irq state.
+ {
+ let girq = &mut this.reg.gc.get_mut().irq;
+ girq.chip = this.irq_chip.get();
+ // SAFETY: By leaving `parent_handler_data` set to `null`, the gpio subsystem
+ // initialises it to a pointer to the gpio chip, which is what `FlowHandler<T>`
+ // expects.
+ girq.parent_handler = unsafe { irq::new_flow_handler::<FlowHandler<T>>() };
+ girq.num_parents = 1;
+ girq.parents = &mut this.parent_irq;
+ this.parent_irq = parent_irq;
+ girq.default_type = bindings::IRQ_TYPE_NONE;
+ girq.handler = Some(bindings::handle_bad_irq);
+ }
+ // SAFETY: `reg` is pinned when `self` is.
+ let pinned = unsafe { self.map_unchecked_mut(|r| &mut r.reg) };
+ pinned.register(gpio_count, base, parent, data, lock_keys)
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: ChipWithIrqChip> Default for RegistrationWithIrqChip<T> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::new()
+ }
+ }
+ // SAFETY: `RegistrationWithIrqChip` doesn't offer any methods or access to fields when shared
+ // between threads or CPUs, so it is safe to share it.
+ unsafe impl<T: ChipWithIrqChip> Sync for RegistrationWithIrqChip<T> {}
+ // SAFETY: Registration with and unregistration from the gpio subsystem (including irq chips for
+ // them) can happen from any thread. Additionally, `T::Data` (which is dropped during
+ // unregistration) is `Send`, so it is ok to move `Registration` to different threads.
+ #[allow(clippy::non_send_fields_in_send_ty)]
+ unsafe impl<T: ChipWithIrqChip> Send for RegistrationWithIrqChip<T> where T::Data: Send {}
+ struct FlowHandler<T: ChipWithIrqChip>(PhantomData<T>);
+ impl<T: ChipWithIrqChip> irq::FlowHandler for FlowHandler<T> {
+ type Data = *mut bindings::gpio_chip;
+ fn handle_irq_flow(gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip, desc: &irq::Descriptor) {
+ // SAFETY: `FlowHandler` is only used in gpio chips, and it is removed when the gpio is
+ // unregistered, so we know that `gc` must still be valid. We also know that the value
+ // stored as gpio data was returned by `T::Data::into_pointer` again because
+ // `FlowHandler` is a private structure only used in this way.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc)) };
+ // SAFETY: `gc` is valid (see comment above), so we can dereference it.
+ let domain = unsafe { irq::Domain::from_ptr((*gc).irq.domain) };
+ T::handle_irq_flow(data, desc, &domain);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Adapter from an irq chip with `gpio_chip` pointer as context to one where the gpio chip
+ /// data is passed as context.
+ struct IrqChipAdapter<T: irq::Chip>(PhantomData<T>);
+ #[vtable]
+ impl<T: irq::Chip> irq::Chip for IrqChipAdapter<T> {
+ type Data = *mut bindings::gpio_chip;
+ const HAS_SET_TYPE: bool = T::HAS_SET_TYPE;
+ const HAS_SET_WAKE: bool = T::HAS_SET_WAKE;
+ fn ack(gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip, irq_data: &irq::IrqData) {
+ // SAFETY: `IrqChipAdapter` is a private struct, only used when the data stored in the
+ // gpio chip is known to come from `T::Data`, and only valid while the gpio chip is
+ // registered, so `gc` is valid.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc as _)) };
+ T::ack(data, irq_data);
+ }
+ fn mask(gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip, irq_data: &irq::IrqData) {
+ // SAFETY: `IrqChipAdapter` is a private struct, only used when the data stored in the
+ // gpio chip is known to come from `T::Data`, and only valid while the gpio chip is
+ // registered, so `gc` is valid.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc as _)) };
+ T::mask(data, irq_data);
+ }
+ fn unmask(gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip, irq_data: &irq::IrqData) {
+ // SAFETY: `IrqChipAdapter` is a private struct, only used when the data stored in the
+ // gpio chip is known to come from `T::Data`, and only valid while the gpio chip is
+ // registered, so `gc` is valid.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc as _)) };
+ T::unmask(data, irq_data);
+ }
+ fn set_type(
+ gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip,
+ irq_data: &mut irq::LockedIrqData,
+ flow_type: u32,
+ ) -> Result<irq::ExtraResult> {
+ // SAFETY: `IrqChipAdapter` is a private struct, only used when the data stored in the
+ // gpio chip is known to come from `T::Data`, and only valid while the gpio chip is
+ // registered, so `gc` is valid.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc as _)) };
+ T::set_type(data, irq_data, flow_type)
+ }
+ fn set_wake(gc: *mut bindings::gpio_chip, irq_data: &irq::IrqData, on: bool) -> Result {
+ // SAFETY: `IrqChipAdapter` is a private struct, only used when the data stored in the
+ // gpio chip is known to come from `T::Data`, and only valid while the gpio chip is
+ // registered, so `gc` is valid.
+ let data = unsafe { T::Data::borrow(bindings::gpiochip_get_data(gc as _)) };
+ T::set_wake(data, irq_data, on)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Registers a gpio chip and its irq chip with the rest of the kernel.
+ ///
+ /// It automatically defines the required lock classes.
+ #[macro_export]
+ macro_rules! gpio_irq_chip_register {
+ ($reg:expr, $irqchip:ty, $count:expr, $base:expr, $parent:expr, $data:expr,
+ $parent_irq:expr $(,)?) => {{
+ static CLASS1: $crate::sync::LockClassKey = $crate::sync::LockClassKey::new();
+ static CLASS2: $crate::sync::LockClassKey = $crate::sync::LockClassKey::new();
+ $crate::gpio::RegistrationWithIrqChip::register::<$irqchip>(
+ $reg,
+ $count,
+ $base,
+ $parent,
+ $data,
+ $parent_irq,
+ [&CLASS1, &CLASS2],
+ )
+ }};
+ }