BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAdd midsummer poem and misc changesRunxi Yu3 days
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
3 daysAdd midsummer poem and misc changesHEADmasterRunxi Yu5-5/+57
2024-06-11Use LuaLaTeX with ctex, not xeCJKRunxi Yu2-2/+4
2024-06-11Import bibliography entries from affirmative-action.bibRunxi Yu1-1/+107
2024-06-11Make the bibliography file less insaneRunxi Yu1-180/+151
2024-06-11linguist-detectable .md,.txt,.bibRunxi Yu3-0/+42
2024-05-23Add an encrypted version of A Fragile SocietyRunxi Yu1-0/+0
2024-05-19meltsand: Add 两滴泪水 and 灰Runxi Yu2-2/+31
2024-05-18Add lecture notes for Chinese Legal Tradition 2024-05-18Runxi Yu1-0/+35
2024-05-17Move verything of interest into notes for nowRunxi Yu7-0/+0
2024-05-17Add FDU debate notesRunxi Yu1-0/+64